Activity Two

"La Condition Humaine" by Rene' Magritte is beautiful. This piece of art grabbed my attention instantaneously. I view it as being three dimensional by the way it blends in perfectly with the outside view through the window emphasized by the use of contour lines. In this piece I only see the use of one primary color, which is green. The blue of the sky is a tint of the primary color blue. There are extensive uses of lines in this piece. I observed diagonal, horizontal, and parallel lines. I see a bit of optical color mixture with the grass and the dirt road running through it. Also the transition of the trees to the sky. "La Condition Humaine" is an example of atmospheric perspective by the window and the curtains appearing closer to the viewer and the actual painting blending in with the outside view appearing far off and distant. The trees and bushes appear to be miles and miles away.

1 comment:

Anne Brew said...

Dear Fawn,

Please make sure you read the announcement to the class about the essays.

This essay is an example of list making without really telling the reader anything about the design elements and how they operate in the art work.

1." I view it as being three dimensional by the way it blends in perfectly with the outside view through the window emphasized by the use of contour lines."

the above sentence, does not demonstrate term perspective. The term is not used, nor defined.

It does, however, use contour line of which there are none in this work! I think the lines you are looking at are diretional because they draw the viewer from the window to the outside.

Please remember to define terms. If you do you will be able to check your own work when you realize the definition does not match to the example.

2. Green is not a primary color.

3. Why is blue a tint of a primary color?

4. What is a primary color? this is never defined in the essay.

5. There is not optical color mixing in this work. What is Optical color mixing?

6. Where in the painting are the parallel lines, diagonal lines, and horizontal lines? Are these mentioned in the book. How do they operate in the work?

7. at the end of the essay it mentions again the far distance. What does the book call this?

These are things that must be mentioned when writing an OBJECTIVE essay on Design elements.

Each student in the class must apply the same approach when writing the next essay on Design Principles.
